CHINA vs Covid-19 Vs Trump
China categorically denied that it hid them after the Corona virus infection cases came in December 2019. Saying this, China has defended World Health Organization chief Tedros Gebreyes from the accusations of US President Donald Trump.
Trump accused him of being 'China-centric'; Rejecting US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's allegations of concealing Kovid-19 information, State Department spokesman Jiao Lijian said, "China is the first country to report Kovid-19 to the World Health Organization and does not mean that The virus is born in Wuhan.
The epidemic could spread anywhere in the world first, said Jiao. But its beginning is a matter of science and we should leave it to the science and medical community itself. Significantly, on March 12, the spokesperson alleged that the US Army has brought the Corona virus to Wuhan. The American lodged a diplomatic protest on this statement.
Although Jiao did not reiterate his charge, responding in detail to Pompeo's allegations, he referred to the removal of the 76-day-long lockdown Wednesday in Wuhan, saying it boosted other countries' confidence. He said, more and more people are starting to realize that China's solution is right and China's experience is very useful. It would be wrong for any responsible country to blame anyone for the virus.
On April 6, China released the official development of the corona virus. In it, China said that the corona virus was first detected in late December 2019 in Wuhan, where the infection was seen as pneumonia due to unknown reasons, but there is no mention of where the virus came from.
The sale of wild animals in Hunan Seafood Market in Wuhan city is considered to be the beginning of corona virus infection. So far, more than 90 thousand people have died due to this global epidemic. Jiao said, the allegation that China hid information and lacked transparency is baseless.
China provided the genetic sequence of the virus to the WHO, due to which American laboratories are busy preparing its vaccine. The WHO team that visited Wuhan was also an American expert. On the question of the local authorities of Wuhan not hiding information and not taking timely action to prevent / eradicate the virus, Jiao said, as far as the early days are concerned, it is a new virus. There is a process before knowing everything about it, as you have claimed, no information is hidden here.
He said that America has direct access to all information and data regarding the virus. Jiao also dismissed Trump's allegations on the WHO chief, saying that the United Nations health agency has done its duty well under his leadership.
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