
Showing posts from April, 2020

Corona defeats America

US President Donald Trump's statement that it is not normal that I have spoken to Prime Minister Modi over phone and requested him to send hydroxychloroquine medicine so that we can better treat Kovid-19 infected.  He said that India makes a large amount of hydroxychloroquine and I have no qualms in saying that if India will send us medicines, we will thank them.  The government of India is currently prohibiting the export of this medicine and its formula to any other country.  This shows in what condition America is going through the corona outbreak.  Although the virus has caused havoc all over the world, but the way a superpower like America is being defeated is the most frightening situation.  On April 3, 1,480 people died there due to infection.  This is the largest death toll in any country in one day from this virus.  After this, 1469 people died on 5 April.  The death toll in the US has crossed 9600.  The number of infe...

CHINA vs Covid-19 Vs Trump

China categorically denied that it hid them after the Corona virus infection cases came in December 2019.  Saying this, China has defended World Health Organization chief Tedros Gebreyes from the accusations of US President Donald Trump.  Trump accused him of being 'China-centric';  Rejecting US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's allegations of concealing Kovid-19 information, State Department spokesman Jiao Lijian said, "China is the first country to report Kovid-19 to the World Health Organization and does not mean that  The virus is born in Wuhan.  The epidemic could spread anywhere in the world first, said Jiao.  But its beginning is a matter of science and we should leave it to the science and medical community itself.  Significantly, on March 12, the spokesperson alleged that the US Army has brought the Corona virus to Wuhan.  The American lodged a diplomatic protest on this statement.  Although Jiao did not reiterate...